Thursday, August 18, 2011

Online Resources for "India Against Corruption" Movement and Jan Lokpal Bill

Ok. I take my words back. My friend Vaibhav Tupe has convinced me. I am all on for the movement.

Since I talked about spreading the movement in a more effective way in my last post, I am now sharing a whole host of resources that can help you contribute to the movement.

Online poll version of the Referendum: Facebook Lokpal Poll Page

Official Website: India Against Corruption

Official Facebook Page: India Against Corruption

Official Twitter Page:  Jan Lokpal

Official Comments Website: Lokpal Bill Public Consultation  (Submit and Read Comments)

All the downloads: Download Material (contains full versions of both versions of the bill, Detailed Analysis and Comparison of both in English / Hindi, Pamphlets for Publicity, even a ppt)

All the FAQ regarding the Lokpal Bill: F.A.Q Page

Email your suggestions directly to: Lokpal Bill Consultation

Jan Lokpal Bill described in a Film: A Film on Jan Lokpal Bill

Register as a Volunteer: Jan Lokpal Volunteer Registration Form

I have a request for whoever reads this page. I know you all have your personal things to worry about. But, for once, think about the country you are living in. Corruption has eaten into the very foundation of the country. People have lost their faith in the govt, judiciary and even police. Many of you do not want to join the protest and fast. You need not do that. You can contribute in whatever other little ways possible.

You can start right from your home. Click on the Facebook Jan Lokpal Poll page given here and participate in the referendum. That is the least you can do. Also, you can help spreading this post by sharing it on whatever social forum you find fit. Facebook, Twitter, Digg or whatever. I understand not everyone can come out on the street. But we all can do our bit, can't we?

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