Saturday, November 21, 2009

IE9 : Here you go..

IE9 will close performance gap, Microsoft says

Company backtracks, now says JavaScript performance is important

( originally By Gregg Keizer | Computerworld )


Microsoft today claimed that its next browser, IE9 has nearly closed the JavaScript performance gap between itself and rivals made by Mozilla and Google, even though the browser has been in development only a few weeks.

Steven Sinofsky, Microsoft's president of Windows and Windows Live, acknowledged that Microsoft had catching up to do. "We know we have a lot of work to do in some areas of performance," Sinofsky said today at the PDC (Professional Developers Conference).

"On SunSpider, we're on par with IE9," Sinofsky said, showing a chart that displayed scores from the popular JavaScript benchmarking suite. Although IE9's scores were still slightly higher -- and thus slower -- than the newest browsers from competitors, its numbers were significantly better than IE8, Microsoft's current production edition.

"We're getting very close to the other browsers," said Sinofsky.


Sinofsky did not talk about a release schedule for IE9, or when a public preview would be available -- killing rumors that had circulated earlier this week that Microsoft might issue an early build to PDC attendees -- saying that the new browser had been in development only for the "last three weeks, since we released Windows 7.

Posted via web from chhotu's posterous

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