Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mixed Doubles Now in 2012 London Olympics...!!

yes..!! You heard it right..!! Mixed Doubles has now been included in Olympics alongwith all other 4 events!! I am so excited to hear this!!

These are the official words as on :
"The requested change came from the International Tennis Federation (ITF) as part of the IOC’s systematic review of the Olympic programme.
The changes reflect the IOC’s desire to continually refresh the programme, as well as its commitment to increase women’s participation.
The inclusion of the mixed doubles event will not increase the current number of athletes but will bring an added value to the Olympic programme by providing another opportunity for men and women to compete together on the same field of play." and  more blah..blah..blah!!

I am actually more excited the way has posted Sania and Mahesh Bhupathi playing pic as an Image for this article. I just love the way the have used Sania'a Photo..!!

But after all the excitement, I am also worried about how cramped the schedule will now become. I remember exactly what happened with Sania at 2006 Doha Asiad. Sania had been playing refreshed right from the start and that paid off in the form of a Mixed Doubles Gold Medal with Leander Paes, Indian Women's Team winning a Silver and Sania herself winning a Silver in Singles Finals against Jie Zheng (CHN). It was after that 64 16 61 loss in Singles finals that she said "I was tired in the 3rd set after having played 2 matches or sometimes even three matches every day for 10 days non-stop!!".

My concern goes for all the players who will play all the 3 events. They must do something to give these players a break in the middle of match playing days, just like the normal tour events.

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