Sunday, January 10, 2010

Rafa winds up AO preparations on a high; Sania gets it mixed in Hobart

First of all, my apologies for lack of updates in the past week after Sania lost in Auckland. There was something bad going through my personal life and some great things happened in my professional life. Plus close to the weekend, my stabilizer  broke down and had to be replaced by a UPS. But personal things apart, I am ready to get it all kick started again this week.So, let's get back to business now.

Rafa ended the preparations for this year's Australian Open on a high note, even though it was a loss. In the finals of Qatar ExxonMobil Open in Doha, Rafa faced an on-the-boil Russian Nikolay Davydenko. Davydenko has time and again proved in the past few months that he can really beat anybody, when at his peak. Especially, after his wins over Federer the last 3 times ( 2 official, 1 of them at World Tour Finals and another one at Doha this week ) and over Rafa for the last few times, including this Doha finals was a rocking proof of it. Rafa started the finals rock solid and Davydenko went slow at the start and the result of it all was Rafa winning 1st set in a bagel, 6-0. In the second set, the Russian came to life and stretched Rafa to a tie-breaker and even saved 2 match points before winning the breaker, 10-points-to-8. Final set was an equally closer affair, but Davydenko managed to edge the Raging Bull Spaniard 6-4. Final Scoreline read 06, 76(8), 64 in the Russian's favor. Next up for both guys is the first Grand Slam of the year, The Australian Open in Melbourne. Rafa has already got some great confidence by winning Abu Dhabi Exhibition and reaching finals at Doha and would definitely look to match his performance of last year. (remember his SF against Verdasco and Final against Federer last year!! ) VAMOS!!! RAFA!!!

Over on the WTA Tour in Hobart, Sania faces a tough challenger in the 1st round, in the face of local comeback girl, Alicia Molik, who retired back several years ago due to then ongoing ear infection that affected her balance and sight. She came back, but only to brief stint on the tour that was again marred by injuries. Now, the Australian has restarted her career this year with a 2nd round loss to Belgian comeback mom, Kim Clijsters in straight sets at Brisbane. Sania beat Molik in their only previous meeting, also at the same event 3 years ago at the QFs. Even though the Australian is ranked as low as 198, She's sure to give some troubles to Sania this week. The local girl will sure have tremendous home support, but Sania is known to have a huge following of her own down-under, especially after winning the Australian Open Mixed Doubles with Bhupathi last year. At the max, I am expecting Molik to take Sania into a 3rd set, or perhaps a closer 2-sets, but Molik's history doesn't allow me to predict that She'll beat Sania. My heart says Sania will win this one in tough 2 sets.

After going past Molik, Sania has a tough 2nd round lined up. She could be against Russian Yaroslava Shvedova ( 1-all head-to-head ) or 5th seed Spanish venom Carla Suarez Navarro ( first meeting ). The Spanaird has beaten biggies in her past two seasons on the tour, including 2 wins against Venus Williams, both at Grand Slam level. I believe Suarez Navarro, if beats Shvedova in R1, will give some serious troubles to Sania in R2. I am keeping my fingers crossed for this one.

In Doubles, Sania is pairing once again with Spanish veteran Virginia Ruano-Pascual as the expected 2nd seeds. They play an easy 1st round against Eve-Pelletier ( Canada ) and Gallovits ( Romania ). But they are up for some serious challenge in the next round against experienced Itlaians Sara Errani and Roberta Vinci. This one's sure to be feast of Doubles. ( Just to remind you, Sania has confirmed that she'll play with Ruano-Pascual at the Australian Open Doubles this year ).

Sania kicks off against Molik tomorrow 7 PM local time i.e. just around 12 noon in India. I won't be able to follow the match on live scores. But will definitely update you at the end of the day. Till then, C'MON!!! SANIA!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Very Good Blog. I'm sure its a great one for tennis afficionados like you. What are your views on who will win the Aussie open this year and has Rafa left all his injury woes behind?
