Okay, before some of you start killing me for lack of posts, lemme apologize once again. I need ample amount of free time to be able to make a blog post efective, with good content. and time is what i don't have right now! I want to post unique content and not just another news piece / result, which you guys get from other sites already.
Back to Tennis, World Team Tennis ( WTT ),a unique NBA-style Tennis league in USA, played at the end of every year is now coming to Australia! If you are an Australian reading this and want to jump n feel happy, wait till you hear the next piece of news.
The format is vastly different from original WTT in the USA. The one in Australia will have 2 Teams : The Internationals & The Australians. For Internationals, Mary Joe Fernandes will coach and play along side Tracy Austin, Todd Martin and Goran Ivanisevic. For Australians, they have Pat Rafter, Pat Cash, Nicole Bradtke and Alicia Molik to be coached by John Fitzgerald. There will one be exactly one tie between the two teams, consisting of 5 single-set matches ( 2 Singles + 2 Doubles + 1 Mixed Doubles ), all played through a single day i.e Jan 27.
I personally have never watched single match of WTT. They don't show delayed feeds, not even years' old feeds, here in India. But i have seen the photos of the courts. They actually have really fun multi-colored courts like these:
Cool courts, isn't it? But I doubt how many people will watch this single day tie. Bcoz back in USA, they a very interesting format in each team that allows current superstars, veterans and up and coming young players to play in one team. Not only that gives a team a great balance, the format mainly gives young players to play with and learn from current superstars and veterans. Down under in Australia forget the players, they don't even have an interesting format.
My advice to WTT founder Billie-Jean King, next time you plan to expand your business into another country, make a proper plan and acquire some big players before staging such an event.
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